lean 是
Tianxingjian Consulting: improving the communication function of foreign trade correspondence based on lean production
as we all know, foreign trade correspondence is one of the important tools of communication in international business activities. This study attempts to use the basic idea of timely, appropriate and appropriate lean production theory to guide its operation in international trade activities, so as to improve the communication function of foreign trade correspondence. 1. Reply timely foreign trade correspondence is widely used in business communication because of its fast and convenient characteristics
GNC健安喜Advanced Lean Shake Burn代餐粉-适用对象
GNC健安喜Advanced Lean Shake Burn代餐粉,含有多种维生素矿物质、蛋白质、碳水化合物等,还加入了分离乳清蛋白,可以促进肌肉增长及恢复。适用于运动前30分钟左右服用,为健康营养品,其他营养类型。
shrimp vermicelli lean meat soup, a delicious and Kwai soup, which adults and children like to drink
By dawn Gigi the Kwai shrimp vermicelli lean meat soup is so fresh that you can't forget the taste once you drink it. Raw materials: lean meat, shrimp skin, mung bean vermicelli, carrots, ginger slices, white pepper, edible oil, edible salt and starch. Steps: Step 1: prepare the above ingredients, marinate lean meat with edible oil, edible salt and starch for about 10 minutes, and shrimp
CYTOSPORT Muscle Milk Lean 乳清蛋白粉-适用对象
本文介绍CYTOSPORT Muscle Milk Lean 乳清蛋白粉,该产品适用于健身增肌的人群,可缓解运动疲劳,加快肌肉合成。
GNC健安喜Advanced Lean Shake Burn代餐粉,燃烧你的热量
GNC健安喜Advanced Lean Shake Burn代餐粉含有多种维生素矿物质、蛋白质、碳水化合物等,加入分离乳清蛋白,促进肌肉增长及恢复。适用于运动前30分钟左右服用,让你健康瘦身。
GNC健安喜 Advanced Lean Shake Burn 代餐粉-详细介绍
GNC健安喜 Advanced Lean Shake Burn 代餐粉是一款营养丰富的代餐粉,含有多种维生素矿物质、蛋白质、碳水化合物等,还加入了分离乳清蛋白,可以促进肌肉增长及恢复。建议运动前30分钟左右服用。
shrimp skin lean meat porridge for nutritious and delicious breakfast. Why do you make it fishy and not thick? Here's the reason
Why did you make shrimp skin lean meat porridge for a nutritious and delicious breakfast? The reason is that you saw the circle of friends with green hair here yesterday. It's a picture of children's spring outing. I don't know whether it's special or unintentional. The child of the Qingqing family took a group photo with another classmate. The body shape of the fellow student is obviously twice as wide and one head higher than that of her child. At that time, the chef wondered whether it was caused by living habits
GNC健安喜Advanced Lean Shake Burn代餐粉-购买最佳价格
GNC健安喜Advanced Lean Shake Burn代餐粉,含多种维生素矿物质、蛋白质、碳水化合物等,加入分离乳清蛋白,可促进肌肉增长及恢复。建议运动前30分钟左右服用。
CYTOSPORT Muscle Milk Lean 乳清蛋白粉-增肌保健品
CYTOSPORT是专门生产和制造运动营养品的公司,旗下有Muscle Milk、Monster Milk、Cytomax、Specialized、Collegiate五个系列,其中Muscle Milk系列最为突出,目前已成为美国市场热销品牌。对于热衷健身的人们来说,或多或少地会进行额外的蛋白质补充,来延缓疲劳、补充蛋白质的摄入以促进肌肉合成。此款CYTOSPORT Muscle Milk Lean乳清蛋白粉,属于增肌保健品,巧克力口味,内含肌酸GCC、胶态蛋白质、肌肉类脂和20种维生素及矿物质,不含乳糖。其类似母乳的精心配比,能提升燃脂效率,加快肌肉合成以及缓解运动疲劳。规格4.94磅,约2240g。
(Labrada Lean Body巧克力味奶昔500ml)-适用对象
Labrada Lean Body巧克力味奶昔500ml,适合健身瘦身,练就傲人体形,开启新的人生。风靡欧美的即饮奶昔,畅销各大超市和健身房。规格500g,有效期至2021年7月6日。
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